Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Here is one of my daughter and son.Wearing the new hats that my gramma made.Gorgeous hats too. My son wears his the most. You know how girls are.Cann't mess up their hair.Grama made them at a perfect time too.Cause it sure is cold around here.

it has been a while but....

Sorry they are sideways. But they uploaded that way. I doing the 12 weeks to better photoes.Just wanted to say I am so much fun.And wanted to post a few from that just for fun.Not my usual subject matter.

Sunday, January 20, 2008

Ok the top one.Yes I know its not Halloween I only asked them to give me some funny faces. The second one is a little cuter. The first one is my son with my two nephews.These were taken with my camera set on portrait.
The PATRIOTS WON!!!!!!Sorry folks i just had to add that.

Saturday, January 19, 2008

The Mess

Yup you guessed it Tamone ans Pumba!My husband true and painted these by hand including the jungle plants on the bottom and the tree w/ the moss.Oh ya and the bug too.I hope you enjoyed these. But PLEASE tell where to atart cleaning that room.

And about my sons room...

Ya I know not the best picture.Kinda a mess like my son's room.but wait there is more including the paint job that has been there since he was 8.But my husband drew them all by hand and painted it too.Can any one tell me where to start?lol.picture was taken w/iso200,3.5 aperture in av mode just like the rest for today.Just catching up on posting. I promise the pics will get better .I just thought i would post these and find outif anyones elses kid's room is this bad,except for the paint job.

The guitar teacher never showed up.my son was a little disapointed
Here is my son.He is playing his guitar.This is his new one.He loves it.He can play a song a few times and he memorizes the music.He does well .This pic was taken w/ my MAXXUM4 . But sorry i forget the settings. but i know i set the shutter up a little caose it was so bright and the film was 400.i had these pics saved onto disc so i could play w/them and post them.
This is one of my fav pics even though you cann't see his face. Most of you ahve seen this in gallery. But thats ok.I have a lot catching up to do.

Well here it goes

Well here my next try at blogging.Here is a pic from the summer to start.I just want to see if I can get it started.
This is pic of my two beautiful children.my son is 13 1/2 and ny daoughter has just turned 17.
Just thought I would sit and start this while I was waiting for my son's guitar teacher to show up.First time to the house and he is late. Gives me a little more time to figure all this out.
Thanks for looking.