Saturday, November 1, 2008


so dam cute

Here are some more.

Monday, August 11, 2008

A Boy And His Guitar

My son has been learning to play for a few years. For the most part he likes it. Well today he wanted me to take some shots of hom for his MYSPACE.We took a few funny and some seriuos.

Just A Few Pictures From Newport,Ma

Well if anyone has ever been to Newport,Mass. you have to go the mansions.The architecture is really something. Well i just wanted to show some of the tings i saw and really caught my eye. The raught iron fencing and the marble work.And to just imagine that some of these places were just summer homes!The Vanderbilt (Marble House) was the only one I had time to see .But I was really impressed.Just some shots from the day enjoy.

Saturday, July 19, 2008


I promise.This is actually a side view of a wall at an old wood mill by house that burned down a long time ago.(oliver mills)Beleive it or not people go there to take wedding photoes and every thing.I have gone there to take pictures of my kids.

I have been trying to see things a little differantly.But this isn't what I had in mind. But i hope you guys can make the chin, the large forhead,lips,and the deep eyes.Tell me what you think.


Here is my son ,he is 14 and nearly 6 ft.WOW!!!!But that's ok we grow them big around here.

He just got out the pool for ice cream cake at my neph b-day party.


Well the waether has been really hot here.I don't know about you guys.

I haven't been here in a while. Just really haven't had a whole lot to talk talk about or had any great picture oppertunities lately,but that has changeda little cause it is summer and I am really trying to experiment.BELEIVE IT OR NOT.Hope you all enjoy these.

Saturday, April 12, 2008

I know I double posted some .Sorry about that. But you know they my faves.LOL
Also taken indoors. i kinda like this too.
I like this one too.Sorry i cann't figure out how to flip pictures for this.
I love this close up.
This one was taken indoors w/ higher iso 400.Just playing around just to see what would happen. I kinda like the color.


Here arepictures from my new 50mm 1.8

Well I know i haven't posted in a while. haven.t much luck or time to take some pics to post.But maybe you all might see some more since I got this new lens maybe you all will see more.
These are from today.It was kinda cloudy but so beautiful out.My daughter was waiting for her cousin to come pick her up. so I begged her.Because I really wanted to take some pics from my new lens.most of these were taken at iso of 400.then i asjustd it too 800 just for the heck of it just to see what would happen.

Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Here is one of my daughter and son.Wearing the new hats that my gramma made.Gorgeous hats too. My son wears his the most. You know how girls are.Cann't mess up their hair.Grama made them at a perfect time too.Cause it sure is cold around here.

it has been a while but....

Sorry they are sideways. But they uploaded that way. I doing the 12 weeks to better photoes.Just wanted to say I am so much fun.And wanted to post a few from that just for fun.Not my usual subject matter.

Sunday, January 20, 2008

Ok the top one.Yes I know its not Halloween I only asked them to give me some funny faces. The second one is a little cuter. The first one is my son with my two nephews.These were taken with my camera set on portrait.
The PATRIOTS WON!!!!!!Sorry folks i just had to add that.

Saturday, January 19, 2008

The Mess

Yup you guessed it Tamone ans Pumba!My husband true and painted these by hand including the jungle plants on the bottom and the tree w/ the moss.Oh ya and the bug too.I hope you enjoyed these. But PLEASE tell where to atart cleaning that room.

And about my sons room...

Ya I know not the best picture.Kinda a mess like my son's room.but wait there is more including the paint job that has been there since he was 8.But my husband drew them all by hand and painted it too.Can any one tell me where to start?lol.picture was taken w/iso200,3.5 aperture in av mode just like the rest for today.Just catching up on posting. I promise the pics will get better .I just thought i would post these and find outif anyones elses kid's room is this bad,except for the paint job.

The guitar teacher never showed son was a little disapointed
Here is my son.He is playing his guitar.This is his new one.He loves it.He can play a song a few times and he memorizes the music.He does well .This pic was taken w/ my MAXXUM4 . But sorry i forget the settings. but i know i set the shutter up a little caose it was so bright and the film was 400.i had these pics saved onto disc so i could play w/them and post them.
This is one of my fav pics even though you cann't see his face. Most of you ahve seen this in gallery. But thats ok.I have a lot catching up to do.

Well here it goes

Well here my next try at blogging.Here is a pic from the summer to start.I just want to see if I can get it started.
This is pic of my two beautiful son is 13 1/2 and ny daoughter has just turned 17.
Just thought I would sit and start this while I was waiting for my son's guitar teacher to show up.First time to the house and he is late. Gives me a little more time to figure all this out.
Thanks for looking.